Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Unfortunately many of my earthquake related pictures were deleted from my camera by police, as couldn't' perform my usual trick of switching to a memory card full of panda pictures the last time i was stopped by police. That said, I didn't exactly enjoy the feeling of being an earthquake tourist once I starting seeing things first hand. My synopsis: The damage and deathtoll is far worse than the media both here and at large lead people to believe. Some locals estimate 500,000 dead.Dujiangyan, a quaint town with about half of the buildings still free standing, and currently about a third of all inhabitants still walking around with crutches. Most people have left - packed up and moved away already - death toll here was about 4500. Roads leading east from here are still not even close to drivable or bikable. Collapsed bridges and landslides galore.A monk stopping roadside to reflect, another hometown completely leveled across the river. Previous inhabitants are still not allowed to re-enter the town because of the fear of disease from dead bodies etc. To enforce this, there's a military checkpoint at the road.

A few photographers asked me to pull over to take my picture for some magazine.. i couldn't understand the rest of what they said, pretty good shot of the road conditions though.

Every ablebodied person in these areas has been givin a job in construction, people wake up daily still to rebuild their homes while living in trailer-like government housing in school yards and unnocupied valleys.
The chinese refer to the event as 5.12, (may 12th), they're own 9/11.

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